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What are the charges for renting?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

In this post, we clarify the question "What charges are incurred when lending an apartment?" and "Who has to pay them?".

Contract fees

The contract fee (usually it is agreed that the tenant pays it) must be paid by the 15th day of the month after the next month of signing the contract. This is to be paid to the Tax Office for Fees, Transfer Taxes and Gambling (FA 10). The fee is 1% of 36 times the monthly rent. For example, at 1000 euros monthly rent, the fee (regardless of the term) makes 360 euros. Is usually paid by the landlord*.

VAT of 10%

Ten percent sales tax is charged on rent. If you, as a landlord, generate less than 35,000 euros in net sales per year (small business), you are falsely exempt from VAT. Saves you administrative work.

Income tax

A rental must be reported to the tax office within one month of the rental. Thereupon, you will receive a questionnaire from the tax office regarding the rental (with a forecast of rental income and expenses).

The income from renting and leasing results from the difference between rental income and costs from renting (operating costs, maintenance, external financing costs, depreciation).

Depreciation amounts to 1.5 percent of the actual acquisition or production costs of the property. The land portion, on the other hand, is not depreciable (20 percent of the acquisition cost). Thus, 80 percent of the acquisition cost is the depreciation base.

Special regulation for old buildings (acquisition before 1.4.2002) that are rented out for the first time, today's fictitious acquisition costs (market value) can be used as the basis for depreciation. Attention: if the apartment is rented out too cheaply for years (you never made a profit), then the rental falls under "Liebhaberei" (hobby) and your costs cannot be claimed.



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