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Use these tools to calculate your childcare allowance

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

In this article, we will show you how to get the best childcare allowance. We will guide you through the online calculation program jungle.

The Federal Ministry provides an online calculator for the calculation of childcare allowance. Already at first glance, it is about 5 calculation programs. We explain for which purpose you can use each program.

  1. Rechner für das Kinderbetreuungsgeld Konto (not income-dependent) If you had very little income in the year before you gave birth, you're probably in the right place! If you split the childcare time equally with your partner, you will receive a 1,000 euro partnership bonus. If you split the childcare allowance 50:50 or at least 60:40 and each parent legally receives childcare allowance for at least 124 days, you will receive the partnership bonus!

  2. Rechner for the income-dependent childcare allowance account If you only had a higher income in the year before the birth, then you are probably in the right place! From a weekly allowance of 82.5 euros per day, you will receive the maximum income-dependent childcare allowance of 66 euros per day.

  3. Rechner Familienzeitbonus für Väter Family time bonus is for fathers who were gainfully employed for at least 182 days before the birth and who wish to devote themselves intensively and exclusively to the family immediately after the birth of the child. During the family time, the father must interrupt any gainful employment and may also not draw any benefits (unemployment insurance benefit, continued payment of wages). The family time bonus is 22.60 euros per day.

  4. Rechner individuelle Zuverdienstgrenze How much additional income am I allowed to earn while receiving childcare benefits?

  5. Rechner der den laufenden Zuverdienst berechnet How much can I earn per month in addition to the childcare allowance?

You can submit applications for childcare allowance, family time bonus, and partnership bonus online. The Papierformular can be found here.

For more information on family support, visit the Department of Families page. In addition, each state also offers support.


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