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Travel expenses tax deductible if impaired?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

In the case of physical impairment, all costs that promote your mobility (such as car, wheelchair, stair lift, prostheses, ...) can be written off against tax as extraordinary expenses without deductible. You can claim these costs on your tax return! The tax app Tax@Home helps you to make a cost-neutral and efficient tax return or employee assessment. In addition, there are further supports.


  • Physical disability by a disabled person's permit according to §29b StVO ("parking permit")

  • or blind allowance

  • or severe visual impairment from care allowance level 3.

Then you can claim the following benefits:

  1. Allowance of 190 euros per month for your own car (registered and purchased or leased by you). Since it is not reasonable for you to use the public transport. You do not have to drive the car yourself. The allowance compensates for additional expenses for handicapped devices. Tip: When buying a new car, you can also apply (every five years) for a subsidy for equipment for the disabled.

  2. Claim costs for cab rides of up to 153 euros per month. As an alternative to the allowance for your own car. Costs can only be proven with the cab receipt. So that you do not lose them, collect the cab receipts with the Steuerapp Tax@Home.

  3. If both partners have a mobility restriction, the sole earner (second partner with a maximum income of 6,000 euros) can claim double the allowance. In the case of two cars (but each partner must be the owner of one car) 380 euros or double cab costs of 306 euros.

  4. Aids are deductible as extraordinary expenses without a deductible. In the case of impaired walking, this includes all walking aids (wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, stair lifts, lifting platforms, prostheses, ramps, ...) and structural measures for barrier-free living (barrier-free floors, door thresholds, door widening, bathtub and bathroom fittings).

Further subsidies and fee reductions are available for the own vehicle under 3.5 tons gross vehicle weight, predominant use of the impaired person and the requirements.

  • Free freeway vignette

  • Exempt from the standard consumption tax (NoVA) if the impaired person also has a driving authorization.


Wir empfehlen dir, dass du dir Jahr für Jahr dein zu viel bezahltes Steuergeld von der Finanz zurückholst. Die Steuerapp Tax@Home hilft dir eine kostenneutrale und effiziente Steuererklärung oder Arbeitnehmerveranlagung durchzuführen.


Diese Information ist aufgrund von Spenden von Personen wie dir kostenlos nutzbar. Wir freuen uns auf deine Unterstützung.


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