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Thoughts on selling land

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

How do I have to pay tax on the sale of my real estate (land, buildings, apartments, building rights)?

BMF writes: "Since April 1, 2012, all gains from the sale of real estate have been subject to income tax. The previous speculation period of basically ten years ... has been abolished.

Only acquisition transactions or sales transactions for consideration are subject to real estate income tax. ... Therefore, in principle, no real estate income tax is due on gifts and inheritances."

Tax-exempt are:

  • Property for sale used as primary residence for at least 2 years.

  • Gains from the sale of a self-constructed building

  • Object is sold due to threat of expropriation

  • Certain customary exchanges (land consolidation procedures).

Determination of the taxable profit:

  • Difference between disposal proceeds and acquisition cost determined

  • Profit Determination (new): Proceeds from sale - Acquisition costs ------------------------------------- Capital gain to be taxed (with max. 30% tax rate)

  • Profit determination (old): Capital gain = 14% of the proceeds from the sale (which is taxable at a maximum tax rate of 30%)

In the case of reclassifications and losses, the matter becomes more complicated and we recommend that you consult a tax expert or the tax office in any case.


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