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The tax report prepares the following points for you

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Here we show you what the tax report includes at 6.99 euros for Austria and Germany. With Tax@Home, as of today, you can tax profits from cryptocurrencies (Blockpit) and further declare additional income.


The tax report for Austria according to the Income Tax Act includes the cover letter, the tax summary (for easy entry of the tax return), the itemization of all receipts. You can record the following tax circumstances:

  1. General information

    1. Special expenses (collect receipts)

    2. Extraordinary expenses (collect receipts)

    3. Family bonus plus

    4. Single earner

    5. Single parent

    6. Pension

  2. Non-self-employed

    1. Income-related expenses (collect receipts)

    2. Lump sum for commuters

    3. Pendlereuro

  3. Self-employed

    1. Taxes on cryptocurrency trading using Blockpit

    2. Business operation as a small entrepreneur (collect receipts)

    3. Renting and leasing (collect receipts)

    4. Forestry and agriculture (collect evidence)

    5. Income from self-employment (collect receipts)

You can find out how to report your tax data to the tax office here.


The tax report for Germany according to the Income Tax Act includes the cover letter, the tax summary (for easy entry of the tax return), the itemization of all receipts. You can record the following tax circumstances:

  1. General information

    1. Special expenses (collect receipts)

    2. Extraordinary expenses (collect receipts)

    3. Household-related expenses (collect receipts)

    4. Children (collect receipts)

  2. Non-self-employed

    1. Income-related expenses (collect receipts)

  3. Self-employed

    1. Taxes on cryptocurrency trading using Blockpit

Persönlicher Steuertipp

Wir empfehlen dir, dass du dir Jahr für Jahr dein zu viel bezahltes Steuergeld von der Finanz zurückholst. Die Steuerapp Tax@Home hilft dir eine kostenneutrale und effiziente Steuererklärung oder Arbeitnehmerveranlagung durchzuführen.


Diese Information ist aufgrund von Spenden von Personen wie dir kostenlos nutzbar. Wir freuen uns auf deine Unterstützung.


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