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Tax return mandatory or voluntary?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Obligatory submission of the tax return by June 30.

If you are obligated, you have until June 30 of the following year to do so. Who is obliged to file a tax return? Person with

  • Income from renting & leasing

  • Income from self-employment

  • Income from agriculture & forestry

  • Income from capital gains

  • Income from several employment relationships or substitute benefits (sick leave, weekly allowance, unemployment benefit, ...)

Voluntary submission of the tax return

Not everyone has to file a tax return. Mostly those who do not have to file a tax return have probably paid too much tax and should get the money back as soon as possible. A voluntary return can be filed 5 years retroactively with the tax office. That means for the 2019 tax return you can file a tax return until the end of 2023 at the latest. Receipts must be kept for 7 years.

Use Tax@Home to record your receipts and prepare your tax return on the fly.


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