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Shockingly simple, these are the services Social Security offers online

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Medical bills, information on benefits, certificates to prove extraordinary expenses for the tax office and the tax return and information on your pension account you get from the social security online with "meineSV".

What services does meineSV offer?

Bills and contribution

  1. Submit bills (medical bill reimbursement and more ...)

  2. Federal retirement benefits

Pension and provision

  1. Occupational pension

  2. Breast cancer screening

  3. Pension application

  4. Pension account

  5. Smoking cessation

  6. Vacation sickness certificate


  1. Prescription fee confirmation for the tax office and the tax return

  2. Prescription Charge Account

  3. Prescription charges credit

  4. Prescription charges ceiling

  5. Prescription fees estate

Illness and accident

  1. Physician contacts

  2. eBewilligung

  3. Performance information


  1. Family Time Bonus

  2. Childcare allowance application

  3. Childcare allowance waiver/termination

  4. Partnership bonus


  1. E-Card order

  2. Self-insurance

  3. Self-insurance account

  4. Retrieve insurance periods


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