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Miraculously, money from social security

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Whether it's oral hygiene or other medical bills, you can get a subsidy from Social Security for many medical services. This subsidy is called cost reimbursement or cost allowance and can be applied for by submitting the fee note and the invoice receipt to the social insurance. We will show you how to do this here.

How can I apply for reimbursement from social security?

Option 1 by mail: You can apply to your social insurance for reimbursement of costs by application. You will need the following documents:

  1. The request

  2. The fee note of the treatment and the referral (if this was necessary)

  3. The proof of payment (such as the confirmation of the payment transfer)

The application and processing by mail usually takes several weeks to months, so we recommend applying for reimbursement online.

Option 2 Online: You can fill out and submit the application at your social security via the portal meineSV. For this you need a citizen card or a cell phone signature (for your information: you can also use it to log on to Finanzonline). After logging in to meineSV, you can select "Submit invoice" and you will be guided through filling out the application. At the end of the application, you will be asked to upload the fee invoice and proof of payment and you are done.

In about a week you will have the reimbursement in your account.


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