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Managing sleepless nights and official channels after the birth

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

We explain which documents you absolutely need and how you can proceed step by step.

The birth itself must be registered within one month after the birth at the registry office or municipal office of the place of birth. In most cases this is done directly by the birth center or the midwife (it is best to ask). Then make an appointment for the birth certificate with the registry office or the municipal office (of the place of birth) by telephone.

Registry office or the municipal office (of the place of birth).

  1. The birth certificate must be applied for at the registry office or the municipal office (of the place of birth). After you have made an appointment by phone, the staff of the registry office will prepare the birth certificate. Whether all personal documents of the parents (birth certificates, marriage certificate, proof of citizenship) are available, the registrar will answer you on the phone. Missing documents and a passport should be brought on the day you pick up the birth certificate. Registration of the child at the place of residence is usually also done by the registry office or the municipal office (of the place of birth). Otherwise, you can register the child at the municipal office of the place of residence. The certificate of citizenship for the child will be given to you at the registry office or the municipal office (of the place of birth). According to the registry office, these notifications should be made automatically. In case of doubt, you are welcome to ask again.

  2. Registration with the social security is done automatically via the domestic registry office. Your child is automatically insured and receives an e-card. Family allowance is automatically applied for by the tax office on the basis of the civil registry office data. You can calculate the amount of family allowance here.

  3. Social Insurance Institution Apply online for childcare allowance at the social security office. The prerequisite is a joint household and that you are entitled to family allowance. You can find out the amount and how you can best plan your claim with the calculation program. If your income is low (couples 16,200 euros, single parents 7,300 euros), you are still entitled to a childcare allowance. After the end of the childcare allowance, the federal states offer additional support. (such as the Lower Austrian family assistance)

  4. Apply for Family Bonus Plus, single-earner deduction, single-parent deduction with your employer and in your tax return.

If you've completed all the steps, you shouldn't have missed a promotion during this beautiful, challenging time.


Weitere Informationen: Wenn ein Baby kommt

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