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Logbook. This is how it works!

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

In order to claim work-related journeys (as mileage allowance EUR 0.42 per kilometer) in the employee assessment or tax return, a mileage log must be kept.

The logbook must include the following items:

  • Date

  • Mileage

  • Starting point and destination

  • Purpose of the individual trip

  • Daily kilometers traveled on business

You can record all this with Tax@Home. To do this, you enter trip in the title and press a keyword that contains "trip ...". After that the detail input will be opened and everything about the trip will be asked. Details can be found in the video.

With the mileage allowance, a maximum of 30,000 kilometers driven for business purposes can be taken into account annually as income-related expenses. A second option is to take into account the actual costs incurred for work-related travel with a private vehicle as income-related expenses. Work-related travel on a private bicycle can also be taken into account as income-related expenses as a mileage allowance in the amount of EUR 0.38 per kilometer (maximum 1,500 kilometers).


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