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Ingenious: Advertising costs for motorists

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

An icy road and you are already with your car beside the road. ACCIDENT! A dirty road and the vehicle in front of you shoots a stone at your windshield and it shatters. DAMAGE! (Damage due to force majeure.)

In this case, if you are directly on your way to work (including family trips home) or on business trips, then you can claim the cost of repairs after an accident or stone chip as business expenses (if not covered by insurance). This includes tinsmith work, paint work, windshield replacement. If a professional trip results in significant damage (or total loss), this severe depreciation can be declared as extraordinary wear and tear as income-related expenses.

Deduction for extraordinary technical wear and tear: The depreciation is calculated as follows. Based on the acquisition costs and the calculated residual value, the difference to the sales proceeds as wreck can be deducted as income-related expenses under the description "deduction for extraordinary technical wear and tear". In such a case of damage, no private share is to be shown.

Attention: This is only valid for business trips, if you make a detour because of a purchase or if you drive a work colleague home, you cannot claim this. This also applies in the case of alcoholism or slightly negligent disregard of traffic regulations.

Quelle: Gewinn 3/21


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