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I feel lost in the depreciation jungle

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Only when the amount exceeds EUR 800 (before 2020: EUR 400), depreciation must be taken.

That is:

  • For all invoices under 800 EUR, it does not matter at what point in the year you purchased the work equipment, you can claim it directly in your accounting, income-expense statement or tax return.

  • Under 800 EUR: Even if you buy a tool after the middle of the year, you can take up the amount entirely.

  • Over 800 EUR: Work equipment has a life of at least 3 years. The actual depreciation period can be found in the depreciation guidelines.

  • Tax@Home automatically takes depreciation into account.


In the course of the Tax Reform Act 2020 (StRefG 2020), the limit for low-value assets was increased from €400 to €800 as of 1.1.2020.

WKO writes: "In the case of acquisitions of assets, an allocation of the acquisition or production costs over the normal useful life is generally provided for. Low-value assets are an exception to this.

These can be immediately claimed in full as operating expenses in the year of acquisition. ... Depreciation can also be chosen for GWG. This provides design options for entrepreneurs to achieve the lowest tax burden through optimal depreciation modalities."


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