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How much social security do I have to pay?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

According to the ASVG (2021), the marginal earnings limit for monthly earnings is 475.86 euros. In the case of earnings below the marginal earnings threshold, full insurance is not mandatory (the employee is only subject to accident insurance). Self-insurance of the employee (health insurance and pension insurance) for 67.18 euros is possible upon request.

Voluntarily, you can insure yourself in the health insurance with a maximum of 454.86 euros per month. In the voluntary pension insurance, the maximum amount is 1476.30 euros, but at least 198.91 euros.

The maximum contribution base for health insurance, pension insurance, accident insurance and unemployment insurance is 5,550.00 euros per month. The prescription fee is 6.50 euros and the fee for the e-card is 12.70 euros.



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