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How can I enter crypto taxes into the app for my tax return?

In this article, we will explain how to enter taxes from cryptocurrency trading into your tax return. To calculate the input items we use a connection to our partner Blockpit. With this referral link you get some benefits from Blockpit.

You start the question dialog for your tax return in Tax@Home and after a few questions you are politely asked "Did you trade cryptocurrencies in the tax year?". If yes, then we refer you to our partner Blockpit, where you can link your cryptowallets and get a tax report (as a PDF). You can now enter the entries from Blockbit's tax report into Tax@Home, so that you have all your taxes collected in one app for the tax office (if there are any inquiries - and there certainly will be with crypto taxes!).

Persönlicher Steuertipp

Wir empfehlen dir, dass du dir Jahr für Jahr dein zu viel bezahltes Steuergeld von der Finanz zurückholst. Die Steuerapp Tax@Home hilft dir eine kostenlose und effiziente Steuererklärung oder Arbeitnehmerveranlagung durchzuführen.


Diese Information ist aufgrund von Spenden von Personen wie dir kostenlos nutzbar. Wir freuen uns auf deine Unterstützung.


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