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Hooray! A job alongside your studies

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

We will explain some important aspects regarding the student grant, family allowance and which taxes have to be paid.

1. Taxes and duties

As with any job, social security and income tax must be paid. Details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Finance, for self-employed persons (entrepreneurs, contracts for work and services, freelance contracts) use the tax calculator of the WKO and for employees you can find information in the gross-net calculator of the AK or the Ministry.

If you do not receive a student grant or family allowance, there are no additional income limits to consider.

2. Study grant and self-employed person

If you receive a student grant, you are allowed to earn a maximum of 15,000 euros per year (since 2020). For every euro you earn more, the study grant will be reclaimed. Further information is provided by the ÖH.

3. Family allowance

If your parents receive family allowance for you (until your 24th birthday), you are allowed to earn a maximum of 10,000 euros per year (assessment basis for income tax). For every euro you earn more, the family allowance will be reclaimed. Further information is provided by the Chamber of Labor.

4. The basis of assessment for payroll tax is calculated as follows:

Gross remuneration

- Social insurance employee share

- commuter allowance

- Allowance (income-related expenses, special expenses)

- E-Card fee (only in November)

- Trade union dues


= Assessment basis for wage tax


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