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Find out your tax number

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

How do I find out my tax number?

You can find your tax number either on an old tax assessment or directly on Finanzonline. Proceed as follows:

  • Register with Finanzonline

  • Personal data (icon at the top right of the screen)

  • Here you can find the tax office and tax number. For the tax return directly from the app you need the last seven digits.


Tip 1: Under Queries - Data transmissions, you can check whether the salary statements from all employers have already been received for the year of the employee assessment.

Tip 2: Get the overpaid tax back from the tax office! You can do the tax return - also called tax equalization or annual equalization - 5 years retroactively. That's why we've created checklists that summarize your options for each year.

It pays off.


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