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Commuting support - These cash gifts are available

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Why do I want to share this with you? I missed out on more than 1,000 euros as a young employee. That can be upsetting, but I don't want that to happen to you and your friends. Please share the blog post to your friends (they'll be happy to hear from you and about a little more money in the bank account) and rate the app Tax@Home in the AppStore and on Google Play!

Federal travel subsidy

This subsidy is designed to assist workers who commute to work from their primary residence on a daily or weekly basis. It is absolutely easy to submit via application. The following states offer subsidies:

Updated November 1, 2020 If a link does not work, just contact us.

ASFINAG commuter card for commuters.


  • The applicant is an employee.

  • The use of the toll route must be either indispensable or at least be the shortest route between the place of residence and the place of work.

  • The commuter must have a vehicle registered to him/herself.

You can download the application as PDF here.

Plump-sum for commuters

You can claim the lump-sum for commuters directly in your employer's payroll accounting and thus pay less tax each month. To do this, simply calculate the distance between your home and place of work using the commuter calculator. Print out the form, fill in the required personal data, sign the form and submit it to your employer's payroll department.

Where can I find the code number and category for the commuter allowance and commuter euro in Tax@Home?

With Tax@Home, you can also apply for the commuter allowance and the commuter euro on the fly. Simply by clicking on them!


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