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Can I deduct the private hospital as an extraordinary burden?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Generally speaking, you cannot deduct the costs of a private hospital from your taxes.

But in special cases it is possible: „(translated) The objectively understandable fear of losing one's job if the already long-lasting sick leave would be prolonged by months due to the waiting time for an operation appointment in a public hospital causes the inevitability of the costs for an operation in a private hospital without such waiting time."

Circumstance: An employee this year (due to diabetes and shoulder problems) several months of sick leave. The personnel department had put pressure on her with the threat of dismissal. Because of this fear of losing her job and the long waiting time in public hospitals, she went to a private hospital for treatment. Although the tax office did not want to recognize these costs in the tax settlement, the employee had filed an appeal against the income tax assessment with the Federal Fiscal Court. The ruling of the Federal Fiscal Court was that in this case the costs for the private hospital were to be deducted from tax as an extraordinary burden.

Decision: "(translated) The objectively understandable fear of losing one's job if the already long-lasting sick leave would be prolonged by months more due to the waiting period for an operation appointment in a public hospital causes the inevitability of the costs for an operation in a private hospital without such a waiting period."

Those who do not want to fret over such issues can, of course, take out private health insurance.



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