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App Business: Is VAT registration necessary in other EU countries?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

In many cases not! The group (Google, Apple, Huawei) is responsible in the EU for reporting, calculating and paying VAT on digital content. So you don't have to worry about EU-wide VAT on digital products (in-app purchases, app sales) in your app business, the provider company does that for you.

Google: "Due to a change in European Union (EU) VAT law, Google is responsible for reporting, charging and remitting VAT for EU customers on all digital content purchased from the Google Play Store. Google will therefore remit VAT from digital purchases made by EU customers to the relevant competent authority.

They will not have to separately charge and remit VAT for EU customers. This change in VAT law applies even if you are not located in the EU."

Persönlicher Steuertipp

Wir empfehlen dir, dass du dir Jahr für Jahr dein zu viel bezahltes Steuergeld von der Finanz zurückholst. Die Steuerapp Tax@Home hilft dir eine kostenneutrale und effiziente Steuererklärung oder Arbeitnehmerveranlagung durchzuführen.


Diese Information ist aufgrund von Spenden von Personen wie dir kostenlos nutzbar. Wir freuen uns auf deine Unterstützung.


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