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Antraglose Arbeitnehmerveranlagung - automatic employee assessment?

Autorenbild: PartnerPartner

Automatic sounds all well and good. BUT!

Note that expenses for your profession (income-related expenses) that exceed 132 euros are not taken into account. Furthermore, no extraordinary expenses (due to childcare) are taken into account for the tax-free employee tax assessment.

As of the 2017 employee tax assessment, donations, church contributions, contributions to the assets of a charitable foundation, contributions to the Innovation Foundation for Education, contributions for voluntary continued insurance and the subsequent purchase of insurance periods are automatically reported to the tax office by the recipient of the donation.

Caution. A prerequisite for automatic transmission is that the receiving organization has a permanent local establishment in Germany. For example, contributions to churches and religious societies without a fixed local facility in the home country or donations to foreign organizations are not covered.

Collect receipts with Tax@Home! There may be a mis-transmission on the part of the receiving organization and you will miss out on money. Tax@Home helps you to quickly reconcile the submitted amounts with the real expenses.


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