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Alternative healing treatments tax deductible?

Under special circumstances, these medical expenses are deductible as extraordinary burden. YES.

The following case occurred in the case of alternative healing treatments and was found to be correct by the Federal Fiscal Court.

A taxpayer suffering from cancer would like to deduct costs of an alternative healing treatment by a German alternative practitioner (this alternative practitioner was not licensed in Austria) as extraordinary expenses. The healing treatment was necessary to strengthen the immune system accompanying the cancer treatment. The Federal Fiscal Court agreed with the taxpayer that she could deduct the costs.

LBG writes: "In the decision case, the Federal Fiscal Court considered the usefulness of strengthening the immune system in the case of cancer 'beyond doubt.' In addition, a physician confirmed the medical indication. The expenses for the alternative medical treatment were deductible as extraordinary expenses (less deductible)."

It is important that the alternative medical treatment was medically indicated (e.g., referral from a physician or a physician's confirmation).

The Federal Fiscal Court stated that from a tax perspective, there is no priority of a conventional medical method over an alternative medical method.

If this alternative medical treatment method has arisen by compulsion (medically indicated), then the condition for an extraordinary burden is given. This medical indication (can be a medical referral, or other proof of medical indication, or medical confirmation) is necessary. With this medical indication, the costs for the treatment are to be deducted as extraordinary expenses.


Quelle: LBG


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